Grain Handling Hoses: A Comprehensive Guide
Who Relies on Grain Handling Hoses? Grain handling hoses play a pivotal role in the agricultural sector, serving farmers engaged in the harvesting of grains such as oats, corn, rice, and wheat. These hoses facilitate the seamless transfer of harvested grains from the fields to vehicles destined for storage facilities. This crucial step involves loading…

3 Signs That It's Time to Replace Your Metal Hoses
Using a metal hose is the best option for indoor washing machines, outdoor gardening equipment, and more. They're incredibly durable and can last for about 8.7 years, according to Saginaw Bay Underwriters. Metal hoses have quite a lifespan compared to rubber ones, which is one reason why many homeowners are making the switch. Unfortunately, not…

The Benefits of Using Braided Hoses
If you've ever had a hose burst in your hand or kink up when trying to water your garden, you know how frustrating it can be. Hoses are an essential part of keeping your lawn and garden healthy, but they can also be a real pain to deal with. That's where braided hoses come in.…

How Your Company Can Benefit from Product Manufacturing
If you're starting a small business, your impulse may be to have your products manufactured within the confines of your company. However, you may not be completely prepared for all of the processes that go into product manufacturing. There is much that manufacturing requires, and you are not obligated to make your products in-house. You…

How to Choose the Right Metal Hose Assembly
It is critical that the proper metal hose assembly is selected for the required application. Many metal hoses look the same, but they are not. Therefore, it is essential that the right questions are asked, and features are considered when it comes to selecting the proper hose assembly. Size The size of the connection in…

3 Things to Look for in a Flexible Metal Hose Manufacturer
A flexible metal hose, also known as a corrugated metal hose, is available in various grades of industrial steel. It is a general-purpose industrial hose suitable for a wide range of industrial applications. It features a long service life, good corrosion properties, and high physical strength. The flexible metal hose is suitable for the transport…

What are Cryogenic Hoses?
Cryogenic hoses mostly handle liquid helium and liquid nitrogen. These liquids normally are around -452 degrees F and can be extremely dangerous if your hose leaks. Hose leaks most often occur if there are lateral offset requirements or movement that is not considered or overlooked. Universal supplies the most flexible, reliable and durable hoses for…
UHB is considered a critical government/military supplier
UHB is considered a critical government/military supplier and will remain open and at full production to meet your needs throughout the entire coronavirus pandemic situation
New Product Series - BOA Industrial Hoses Now Available
New Product Series - BOA Industrial Hoses Now Supplied by UHB: B1 SUPRA, B2 DUO, B4 BOA FLEX, PARNOR, PARRAP, BOA HP & THP
Dear Valued Customer: Universal Metal Hose is pleased to announce it has acquired the metal hose line from American BOA, Inc. effective January 13, 2020. With this acquisition, UMH, a member of the Hyspan Group of companies, will now offer a wider range of high-quality flexible metal hoses, bulk hoses and hose assemblies to its customers.…
New Product Series—Monocoil Flexible Metal Armor
As one of the founding companies in the metal hose and braid industry, UMH has been the #1 choice for strip wound Inter-Locked & Square-Locked tubing, metal braid and custom corrugated hose assemblies since 1942. Universal Metal Hose Company is proud to announce the introduction of a new series of products—Monocoil, typically used as protection…
Winter Weather Leads to High Tar & Asphalt Hose Demand
As one of the founding companies in the metal hose industry, UMH has been the #1 choice for strip wound Inter-Locked & Square-Locked tubing and custom corrugated hose assemblies since 1942. Spring is the time of year to repair all of the damage Mother Nature has caused over the past several months. The weather is…
Will Special Cut Lengths Speed Up Your Manufacturing Process?
As one of the founding companies in the metal hose industry, UMH has been the #1 choice for strip wound inter-locked & square-locked tubing and custom corrugated hose assemblies since 1942. One of our fastest product growth categories is small diameter (1/16”ID—1/2”ID) stainless steel floppy hose, cut to specific custom lengths and delivered ready for…
New Products/New Equipment = Improved Quality & Lower Prices
As one of the founding companies in the metal hose industry, UMH has been the #1 choice for strip wound inter-locked & square-locked tubing and custom corrugated hose assemblies since 1942. UMH HAS JUST PURCHASED A BRAND NEW HIGH SPEED PVC/ POLYURETHANE EXTRUDER AND WANTS TO PASS ON THE SAVINGS TO YOU! As a result…
Inter-locked &Inter-locked & Square-locked tubing with Assist Pull Through Wire
As one of the founding companies in the metal hose industry, UMH has been the #1 choice for strip wound inter-locked & squarelocked tubing and custom corrugated hose assemblies since 1942. UMH is growing! As a result we proudly introduceour second in a series of new product offerings! Pulflex Small Diameter Flex Tube with Pull…
Brutal Winter Weather Leads to High Tar & Asphalt Hose Demand
As one of the founding companies in the metal hose industry, UMH has been the #1 choice for strip wound Inter-Locked & Square-Locked tubing and custom corrugated hose assemblies since 1942. Lets face it, we had a very harsh winter! Springtime has been the time of year to repair all of the damage Mother Nature…
UMH Stocking Up For Grain Transfer & Vacuum Support
As one of the founding companies in the metal hose industry, UMH has been the #1 choice for strip wound InterLok & SquareLok tubing and custom corrugated hose assemblies since 1942. Over all those many years, the U.S. and Canadian grain handling markets represent two of our largest customer bases worldwide. As a result of…
UMH Committed To The Grain Vacuum & Transfer Market
As one of the founding companies in the metal hose industry, UMH has been the #1 choice for strip wound interlocked and custom corrugated hose assemblies since 1942. The U.S. and Canadian grain handling and transfer market represents one the largest customer bases for Universal Metal Hose products worldwide. Located in Illinois just off I-80…
Fiber Optic-Sensor & Instrumentation Cable Protection
As one of the founding companies in the metal hose industry, UMH has been the #1 choice for strip wound interlocked and custom corrugated hose assemblies since 1942. The fastest growing segment of the UMH family of products are the 304 stainless steel strip wound metal housings and casings used to protect fiber optics, lasers…
UMH Purchases Instrumentation Tubing from Plenflex Corporation
As one of the founding companies in the metal hose industry, UMH has been the #1 choice for strip wound InterLok & SquareLok tubing and custom corrugated hose assemblies since 1942. Universal Metal Hose is proud to announce the purchase of the instrumentation tubing product line from Penflex Corporation, Gilbertsville, PA. This acquisition will allow…
Introducing Stay-Put Long Lasting, UMH Purchases Instrumentation Tubing from Plenflex Corporation
As one of the founding companies in the metal hose industry, UMH has been the #1 choice for strip wound interlocked and custom corrugated hose assemblies since 1942. Cutting —Grinding —Turning —Cleaning —Contouring!!!! Whatever your application or product design requirement may be, Stay-Put flexible spring steel (leak free) hose is the #1 choice for OEM’s…
Interlocked Metal Hose-Can Versatility Increase Sales Potential?
As one of the founding companies in the metal hose industry, UMH has been the #1 choice for strip wound interlocked and custom corrugated hose assemblies since 1942. Our experienced manufacturing advantage allows UMH to provide the most versatility in size, flexibil-ity and material available in this competitive marketplace. UMH offers strip wound interlocked hose…
Time To Get Your Tar & Asphalt Hose On Order
Spring is Coming! It’s Time to Get Your Tar & Asphalt Hose on Order As one of the founding companies in the metal hose industry, UMH has been the #1 choice for strip wound interlocked and custom corrugated hose assemblies since 1942. Springtime for many of us and our customers alike, means that it’s time…
Industry Best Quality & Service, Now Delivered From New Location
As one of the founding companies in the metal hose industry, UMH has been the #1 choice for strip wound interlock and custom corrugated hose assemblies since 1942. Due to our relentless desire to achieve the highest levels of service and product quality we have recently been able to increase our number of product offerings…